How Long Does It Take To Become A Real Estate Agent?

how long does it take to become real estate agent

How long does it take to become a real estate agent? If this question pops up in your mind that means you’re interested in learning more about the fascinating world of real estate, but you’re not sure where to start. 

It is true that obtaining a real estate license takes far less time than obtaining a standard college degree. But how much time do you require to become a real estate agent? Your license can be obtained in as short as four to six months. 

That is a straightforward response, but a variety of variables must be taken into account to obtain a more accurate timeline. There are some things you should be aware of before you plunge headfirst into getting your real estate license. 

For more information about how to become a real estate agent and how much a real estate agent actually makes at the end of a month then continue reading.

How Long Does It Take to Become A Real Estate Agent?

Real Estate Agent

In order to become a real estate agent, you must complete classroom training, pass a knowledge test to gauge your readiness, and then apply for a license. 

The time length depends on how long it takes you to successfully complete your real estate license depending on the method of study you select and the state in which you reside.

How long does it take to become a real estate agent in California, the right answer will be different from the answer that makes sense in Florida. 

See in California you need to complete at least 135 hours of class hours. In general, the entire timeline of becoming a real estate agent with all the essential procedures is 4 to 6 months.

Factors That May Affect The Timeline Of Becoming a Real Estate Agent:

Factors That May Affect The Timeline Of Becoming a Real Estate Agent

No matter how good you are as a student there are still some factors that might affect the timeline of becoming a real estate agent. Those factors are listed below:

  • The state you have planned to become a real estate agent plays a vital role. 
  • The type of course you decide to take is either in-person or online. 
  • The application procedure in the state you lived in.

8 Steps To Become a Real Estate Agent:

How long does it take to become a real estate agent, this time entirely depends on your process. Each of the processes will vary from state to state, but the basic steps to obtaining a real estate license are fairly straightforward. 

Here is what you can anticipate from the time you decide to pursue a degree in real estate to the time you receive your license.

1) Research About Your State’s Requirements:

How long does it take to become a real estate agent? Well, there is nothing called a National real estate license so you better watch out for your living state’s license process requirements to know the actual answer. 

You can either search on the website or you can visit the ARELLO (Association of Real Estate License Law Officials) regulatory agency directory.

2) Start The Pre-license Classes:

Starts The Pre-license Classes

To know the right answer of ‘how long it takes to become a real estate agent you first need to start the classes of the pre-license course that you chose to take the license exam.  

3) Apply For The License Exam:

The exact time actually depends on how good a student you are. If you are confident about your studies then you have to apply for the license exam in order to get the license. 

4) Take The License Exam:

Licensing exams are computer-based and are divided into two sections: a national section that covers the general principles and practices of real estate and a state section that covers the real estate laws of your state. 

5) Pass The Real Estate Exam:

real estate exam

Time entirely depends on how many times you need to pass the exam. Since it costs you money to apply for the exam, it’s better to study hard and pass the exam in one take. 

6) Get Your License Activated:

How long does it take to become a real estate agent? There is a long process because after passing the license exam you still have to submit the application to get your license activated which costs you around $250- $400. 

7) Find The Right Broker:

As a broker-dealer, you operate under the supervision of a state-licensed supervising broker to manage real estate transactions while adhering to statutory and ethical guidelines. How long does it take to become a real estate agent after getting the license? After getting the license you need to find the right broker. 

8) You Can Consider To Become A Realtor:

While the terms “real estate agent” and “realtor” are often used interchangeably, they are not the same. While real estate agents are licensed to assist buyers and sellers in the course of a real estate transaction, a realtor is a member of the NAR and must subscribe to the NAR’s Code of Ethics.

How Much Is Real Estate Agent’s Earning:

Hope you get the answer about how long it takes to become a real estate agent, apart from knowing that you might wanna know how much they earn at the end of the month. You’ll be happy to hear that agents make good money. The average real estate agent salary in the U.S. in 2019 was just over $50,000 a year. 

If you’re a particularly good agent, you could make even more. The top 10% of agents often earn more than $100K a year. Given the amount of time it takes to get a real estate license, it’s a pretty good salary compared to many other high-paying fields.


So to wrap it up it can be said that in this article you find the answer to the much-awaited question: How long does it take to become a real estate agent? A real estate license can help you land profitable work in the real estate market, and a career as a real estate agent can offer flexibility. 


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